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6 Balnaves Walk
Northgate, SA, 5085

0411 784 770

Eyelash Extensions Training Adelaide & Melbourne CBD





Clients Beware of Cheap Eyelash Extensions!

Allie Kok

Hi Girls,

Just thought you should all be aware of dodgy backyarders making a bad name for our field. This appeared in Today Tonight's broadcast 16/5/18.

Please be careful when choosing a lash tech and make sure you ask the right questions. If you are not sure and even a little uncertain, don't go ahead with the procedure because it could end up costing more than you bargained for.

For our beautiful students: this shows the importance of client care and follow up and making sure that the client is satisfied during AND after the procedure. Keep in constant contact with your clients making sure they are ok a day after the procedure, especially for new clients. Allergies can happen and make sure you are advising your clients that an allergy can occur and to advise you immediately if they feel irritated or slight swelling. If it does happen, this is manageable by removing the eyelashes asap to prevent even further irritation/swelling. The swelling will go down after a day or two however if the lashes are left on and/or too close to the skin, then it can become much worse as seen in this video. Please remember to make sure you are placing the lashes 1mm from the skin as placing them on the skin can create issues further on down the track including irritations, redness, swelling and even infections. We teach you all this in the course so please make sure you are following INSTRUCTIONS!

Cheap Eyelash Extensions in Adelaide

Allie Kok

Hi girls!

A few girls have come to me after visiting someone else who has botched up their lashes! I absolutely cringe at some of the work that inexperienced technicians have done on girls eyelashes. 

No, we are not the cheapest place to get eyelash extensions here in Adelaide HOWEVER, your eyes are one of the most precious commodities of your body and you MUST look after them! Do you really want to risk damaging your eyes just to save a few bucks?

You have a risk of looking like this: 


Or Even Like This:


Ok, that's pretty bad but it happens very often and is very serious!

No, we are not the cheapest in town but like most things in life, you get what you pay for. So if you want to look after your eyes (which I highly recommend doing) please girls, see a proper technician, someone that knows exactly what they are doing to avoid the risk of looking like the above!

Yes I know that we all LOVE to save money however when it comes to your eyes, DO NOT RISK IT!

Make sure your technician takes the utmost precautions in respect to hygiene. First thing to notice, is the home or salon clean? Does the place look sterile? Make sure they have the proper equipment to sterilise the tools they are using. If they do not, do not risk it and get out of there! The tools they have used will have been used on countless clients before you and will be unsterile. Who knows what kind of infections you may receive if you have been 'lucky' enough to catch something from another person because the tools are not sterile.

So next time you visit an eyelash tech, please ladies, be aware of the environment and make sure the tech follows strict and proper sterilisation procedures.

Just a friendly tip from me.

Love Allie